This is the short clip from the movie 'Step-Brothers." Even though I have not seen this movie yet, it is obvious that their relationship is not the greatest.  They seem disliking to touch each other. It also hugging your brother is not often times a manly thing to do. And they seem to be touch avoiders because they find touching to be an unpleasant experience. We can estimate what kind of relationship people have through observing the way they conduct hug.  Touching behavior is very important in any kind of relationship. 

This is a video clip from Sex and the City showing an example of haptics. As we learned that touching behavior is powerful tool in nonverbal communication. In this clip, Alexander slaps Carrie's face because he gets very emotional at the moment. He is showing his anger through the behavior. Even though haptic communication helps maintain healthy relationship, touching sometimes can be violent in relationship. 

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